Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on DapperExtensions

Total dependencies: 42

基于Dapper,DapperExtension进行封装,泛型仓储模式,支持异步,支持事务,支持SqlServer、MySql、Sqlite、Oracle、阿里的ADBForMySql等多数据库。 仓库地址:
Conector multi datos con funcionales sencillas y útiles
Piñata is a simple and lightweight .NET library for managing database state during integration testing
Dapper based light database repository system. Only use SqlServer.
Dapper Core Attribute Mapping
Somfic's all-in-one package for everything
DataTables.AspNet extensions for DapperExtensions.
Dapper integration nodes for EtlLib: A simple ETL framework for .NET.
A fast repository lib like springdata to query by interface only .
A Dapper implementation for Panama, the command architecture for .Net developed by Diran Ogunlana
Dapper for IdentityServer3 including Clinet, Scope and Token etc.
This module of the GFramework gives you automatic CRUD functionality based on the framework
General Tools Component
This is the utility package for Sails Software Solutions
Fast and configurable repository implementation for multiple types of data sources.
A lightweight ORM based on Dapper and DapperExtensions.
A set of common Database classes and extensions used to help RAD process