Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Common development primitives and useful tools
Registration source for Autofac. Allows to discover implementations types for interfaces and create resgistrations.
Supports Interface based Factories, also supports Dependency Injection.
Package Description
Package Description
Shared mobile tools for Xamarin and MVVM
A plugin for validating all of the dependencies of a given Castle.Windsor.IWindsorContainer.
Butler is an easy-to-use and beginner-friendly IoC (Inversion of Control) container designed for performance, low-memory consumption and easy integrability. (Note: This package contains additional debugger proxies and resolve tracing, for production use the Butler.IoC package)
Butler is an easy-to-use and beginner-friendly IoC (Inversion of Control) container designed for performance, low-memory consumption and easy integrability.
The package adds interception to the default dependency injection container based on DispatchProxy.
The package adds interception to the default dependency injection container.
Twino IOC Service containers and scopes
Abstractions for Command Query Responsability Segregation with Mediator, supporting Dependency Injection and extensible middleware based pipelines.
Command Query Responsability Segregation with Mediator, supporting Dependency Injection and extensible middleware based pipelines.
Main development dependency for XUnity Resource Redirector.
NetStandard2.0 Unit Of Work
A HandmadeMapper extension to support Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.