Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Dependency injection support for NEventLite with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
.NET Standard library for reading nuget nuspec manifest files.
Adds support for multiple implementations to Xamarin.Forms's DI system
SpecFlow plugin that enables to use Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection for resolving test dependencies.
Helper for auto implementing the NinjaMvvm.Xam dependencies using Unity
API Client for Unity Publisher Portal -
Inject DateTime values for better manipulation and testing
Dynamic Injector for .Net Projects
Injected dependency for retrieve properties passed via command line or environment
Automated registration and configuration of classes for dependency injection, CQRS. Specialized attributes to apply on classes to register / configure. Use for middleware and CQRS.
Automated registration and configuration of classes for dependency injection, CQRS. Dependency injection attributes to apply on classes to register / configure.
Automated registration and configuration of classes for dependency injection, CQRS. Specialized abstractions. Use for middleware and CQRS. Implement these interfaces in your CQRS implementation.
Automated registration and configuration of classes for dependency injection, CQRS. Dependency injection abstractions.
Automated registration and configuration of classes for dependency injection, CQRS. Core abstractions. Contains `IProcessable`. Use it to create your own attributes and extensions. It's usually necessary.
A lightweight, fluent-style validation library
Provides a MySql database wrapper that works with dependency injection
Dependency core libaray for Cosmos base library
Automocker for Moq.