Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

This client library allows for a pick-and-choose strategy of Dependency Injection registration, using a simple attribute-like approach.
.Nurse Injector is auto dependency injector for .Net, makes your code clean & more manageable dependencies.
.Nurse Injector is auto dependency injector for .Net, makes your code clean & more manageable dependencies.
This package provide [Inject] bindings for the function methods as an alternativ to constructor injection
Extension for implementation discovery of interfaces. See for examples.
Dependency injection and startup common implementations and helpers for UWP applications.
Provides a Sql database wrapper that works with dependency injection
Extension methods on crack.
Automated registration and configuration of classes for dependency injection, CQRS. The ARCA manager. Use during the startup of an application.
Build tools for Unity Mod Studio projects using Unity Doorstop mod loader.
Unity Mod Studio common types.
The package adds interception to the default dependency injection container.
Extends Microsoft Dependency Injection for registering and resolving interfaces/classes by name. automatic registration of modules
A Prism IoC helper packages to be able to easily register types for dependency injection.
The core library for the singularity ioc container
Encapsula a criação de conexões e chamada aos métodos de um serviço SignalR. Ex.: SignalRCreateConnection exemploHub = new SignalRCreateConnection("http://localhost:8082/signalr", "ExampleHub"); SignalRCreateConnection notificationHub = new SignalRCreateConnection(host, "NotificationHub"); 1- "In...
PosInformatique.AspNet.WebForms.DependencyInjection is a library to add the IoC container support of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection for ASP .NET Web Forms
A small library to reorganise how classes are added to the ServiceCollection.
Display all the Dependency Injection services in Mvc or Api project, developers can view all of the services through the browser, include Lifetime(Singleton, Transient, Scoped), ServiceType(IHttpContextFactory, ILoggerFactory...) and ImplementationType(HttpContextFactory, LoggerFactory...) as well ...