Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Adds mocking capabilities to the LightInject service container.
Bare-bones Inversion of Control container
A pack of extension methods which improves your coding experience while using Castle.Windsor IoC-container
An adapter to implement DContainer on top of Unity
ASP.NET MVC4 Integration for DContainer
An adapter to implement DContainer on top of Spring.NET
DContainer is a common dependency injection adapter for the popular IoC container
An adapter to implement DContainer on top of Autofac
An adapter to implement DContainer on top of Castle Windsor
Prism Integration for DContainer
WCF Integration for DContainer
A startup sample for Caliburn.Micro using Windsor
ASP.NET WebApi Integration for DContainer
Automatic Ninject dependency injection with Fody addins.
Automatic Spring.Net dependency injection with Fody addins.
MVVM MicroMVVM fetches the exportable ViewModels found within an application and attaches each ViewModel to the corresponding View. Inversion of Control MicroMVVM leverages the Dependency Injection pattern, the framework fetches Transient and Singleton exportable services and injects these interfa...
Acyclic Visitor implementation using Micrososft Unity Container
Automatic Autofac dependency injection with Fody addins.
Compile-time static analysis and optimization for the Stiletto IoC library.