Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Provides .NET wrappers around the REST API's for Unity Connection including CUPI, CUMI and CUTI interfaces. Vastly simplifies provisioning applications for Unity Connection applications including handling the signficant security/authentication changes made in the 10.0 release.
Unity implementation for the Waffle.
IoCBridge Ninject wrapper.
Adds Autofac support to VSTO Contrib
Provides .NET wrappers around the CUNI notification engine including being able to initiate a monitoring session, edit which mailboxes are being monitored and handling events raised by the server. Can be used in a desktop applciation or a web server based on configuration.
Adds dynamic proxy interception to Maestro.
Nancy.Bootstrapper.Grace is a Nancy bootstrapper using Grace for dependency injection
An assembly to ease the integration of Ninject and WebApi
Common Service Locator adapter for Maestro.
Grace.NSubstitute provides integration classes between NSubstitute and Grace (Dependency Injection Contaniner)
Grace.NLog provides integration class between NLog and Grace (Dependency Injection Container)
Grace.Moq provides integration classes between Moq and Grace (Dependency Injection Container)
ASP.NET MVC5 & WebApi2 integration package for Griffin.Container. Add "GriffinContainerConfig.Configure();" to global.asax after the installation.
HaveBox Web Extensions Supports easy HaveBox integration with: ASP.NET MVC4 ASP:NET Web API Supported Frameworks: .Net 4.0, 4.5 and 4.5.1
A dependency injection container for registering and resolving types.
SeekU depencency resolver built with Ninject.
Common facades for Logging, Configuration, Caching, etc.
The pack with additional helpers and wrappers for web applications, based on dependency injection, thus fully testable.
ElmahR IoC module for NInject
MagicMoq is an extension to the Moq mocking framework – It is like an IoC container that injects mocked dependencies when resolving a type, making the job of creating testing subjects much easier (and nicer).