Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

A simple, lightweight, free service locator.
add attribute for load
Wiesend's Dynamic Link Library is a collection of reusable code that I've written, or found throughout my programming career. It includes code to help with tasks including encryption, file management, compression, serialization, email, image manipulation, SQL, various file formats (CSV, iCal, etc.),...
.NET Core 3.1 Dependency Injection framework
Useful Types: Log, DefaultLogger, ILogAdapter
Useful Types: Cache, DefaultCache, ICache Generally useful for unit testing when you want to be able to control the inner state of a class. Replace internal state with injected caches and mock the return values. Addtional timed cache method allows for timed expiration (removal from cache) of cach...
Slush Inject - simplified Ioc wrapper using Castle windsor and Castle Core
A Ninject extension for IoC.Configuration 2. Source code can be found at Detailed documentation on IoC.Configuration is available at Look at
An Autofac extension for IoC.Configuration 2. Detailed documentation on IoC.Configuration is available at Look at
The main functions of IoC.Configuration library are: 1) Container agnostic configuration of dependency injection using XML configuration file. The file has section where container can be specified, that will be handling dependency injection resolutions. Currently two popular containers are s...
Attribute Promgramming Model for IoC Container
My package description.
Just another (portable) Dependency Framework