Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Plugin for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection enabling registration of multiple service implemantations under the same interface.
Allows easily switching out IoC containers without rewriting code. This package supports DryIoc.
A developer console library implementing most of the features of Source Engine/Id-style commands and variables. It is designed to be compatible with Unity but is not dependent on it. See project page for usage.
A Scriptable Object based event and data manipulation framework for Unity
Enables support for DI/IOC in startup.
A light-weight dependency injection framework.
Discover Visual Studio solution project assemblies.
IoC Autofac adaptor.
IoC abstractions.
Dependency injector for .NET applications.
Yet another load library injector. YALLI is a simple dll injector which uses LoadLibrary in combination with CreateRemoteThread. Nothing fancy.
This package contains version 2.0.414.0 of the Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Interception runtime DLL.
This package contains version 2.0.414.0 of the Microsoft.Practices.Unity runtime DLL.
Dependency Resolver