Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

The base library for using IoC containers with HandmadeMapper.
Provides the basis for implementing the Ambient Context pattern. Includes a Clock implementation based on it. The Ambient Context pattern is an Inversion of Control (IoC) pattern that provides static access to a dependency while controlling the dependency from the outside. The pattern optimizes cod...
HCI.IoC is a NuGet library to help you perform the inversion of control with Simple Injector easily automatically.
Oracle database module for GenericSqlProvider.
A plugin for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection to support automatically injecting all types which defines ITransientType, IScopedType, ISingletonType.
Xamarin Binding Library - GoogleAdsMediation::UnityAdapter
A part of the legendary ByteBee-Framework!
This library provide possibility to create modules for IoC
Glarduino is an asynchronous communication library for .NET/C# Serial Ports and Arduino.
Package Description
Package Description
Extension for including Microsoft.Extension.Configuration in the Puffix IoC library.
A CommonServiceLocator adapter for the LightInject service container.
Allows easily switching out IoC containers without rewriting code. This package supports the web request scope for SimpleInjector.
Allows easily switching out IoC containers without rewriting code. This package supports Simple Injector.
Afx.Base AOP IOC MAP Utils
In .Net 4.7.2, ASP.NET added dependency injection support in WebForms. This package is to make it easier to use Unity container in WebForms application.
A light IoC container implementation to register and resolve dependencies at runtime.