Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages
Validation Classes using Castle Windsor
An extended Dependency Injection container which deals with instantiation and life time of objects. It extends SimpleIoC from MvvmLight.
Auto Faking for IoC (for writing tests).
Tool for computing a list of reference assemblies in loading order
The goal of this project is to provide a way to inject a dependency into Entity Framework's DbContext.
The adapter of autofac for CB.Ioc
A HandmadeMapper extension to support DryIoc.
Extensions for .NET Core Dependency Injection container that allow to register and resolve dependencies by key
Provides name-based registrations to Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Contains .NET Framework configuration elements for Prettig.Di
Powered by Castle Core, the AdapterInterceptor enables the generation of efficient dynamic proxies for proxying or adapting invocation contracts without requiring virtual methods on the target.
Dependency injection support for NEventLite with Autofac
Abstractions for Injector.NET
Extensions for Microsoft Dependency Injection container that allow to register and resolve dependencies by key
Provides an abstract base class `AsyncInterceptor` for Castle DynamicProxy that enables the use of `async`/`await` during interception of awaitable methods.
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection bridge for validation rules.