Top 20 NuGet async Packages

Solid.Http.NewtonsoftJson is an extension to Solid.Http.Core for working with json http responses using Newtonsoft.Json.
Solid.Http.Json is an extension to Solid.Http.Core for working with json http responses using Newtonsoft.Json.
Solid.Http.Json.Core is a package containing shared classes for json deserialization in Solid.Http.Core.
Analyzer that warns about implicit async void delegates.
Allow execute tasks in batches
Helper methods for async collections processing. Add this package to your core library, so it would get the source code of this module without installing a binary dependency. Then proceed with using corresponding functionality from Atom.Util namespace, like if it was installed using binary assembly...
BlitzCache is a thread safe cache that accepts synchronous and asyncronous calls being simplicity its main goal.
A modular, composable policy engine for easy implementation of complex conditional processing pipelines.
Azure Storage Extensions is a .NET library aimed for managing and querying entities from Microsoft Azure Storage. It's built on top of Microsoft Azure Cosmos Table Library, provides LINQ to Azure Tables queries and async interfaces.
Different helper methods I use for all my personal projects as Csv import/export, Json export, background execution, fluent locking, etc
ConfigureAwait(true) and ConfigureAwait(false) are very important when dealing with asynchronous code. However, they make code hard to read and easy to fail. ObviousAwait introduces two aliases: KeepContext() and FreeContext(), reducing the cognitive load while reading and writing asynchronous code.
Smart.Async.NetCore是一个简化异步方法插件。 包NuGet地址: 框架Git开源地址: 框架博客地址: 联系邮箱:[email protected]
A Roslyn code analyzer and fixer for a async foreach pattern.
This package is based on project and is written by Kevin Dockx.
Simplified async re-implementtion of
Extensions, error handling, and dependency injection in a functional way
ReadersWriterLockAsync solves the thread affinity problem for using multiple readers and a single writer lock using async code. It also resumes awaits on the SynchronizationContext where it was started. For example on UI-threads.