Top 20 NuGet async Packages

The deadlock detection library can be used to track down async/await related deadlocks in your code with minimal overhead and effort.
Asynchronous code execution utilities for use with DangrLib.
.NET Standard 1.6 Asynchronous wrapper for Cleverbot.IO
Quick State Machine for handling states with dedicated class, simple and elegant.
GS.Extensions designed to simplify a work with .Net BCL classes
Extension methods for Task<IEnumerable>
A FileSystem abstraction, allowing decoration and testing of the physical file system.
Async version SQL OutputCache Provider
BMSF utilities
Provide a simple way to deal with async jobs.
Base object for disposing managed and unmanaged objects. Supports async disposing with IAsyncDisposable as well as the standard IDisposable.
copy files in C# with a customizable progress indicator and or progress bar
Async interfaces and adapters for System.Data
EF Core - Async Generic Repository
Provides some helper clesses like XML serialization helpers, JSON XML reader, JSON pull-parser, ECMA-style promises, lightweight synchonization routines Signal and SharedLock, Trace helpers on top of System.Diagnostics, ObjectPool etc.
An asynchronous implementation of the iterator pattern for .NET Standard 2.0.