Top 20 NuGet async Packages

A BRhodium fork of High performance Redis client, incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous usage. The project did not release an update for long time but made code significat fixes. We will maintain this until the official next version is released above 1.2.6.
.Net Standard Async WebSocket Server Library
An asynchronous variant of TcpClient and TcpListener for .NET Standard.
In .Net 4.6.2, enables developer plug in async version of OutputCache module which is a good fit for the non-in-memory OutputCache data store. This OutputCache provider can use both CosmosDB(table model) and Azure storage table as the data store and leverages async operation to provide bette...
Proxy library with support for async operations.
Extensions improving async use. Chaining functions.
Extension on generic collections. Calculating Take. Splitting in batches. Updating specific items. Null checks and parsing.
Package Description
Useful wrapper of Async Tasks
Library for using SmtpClient async with interfaces for teasting.
Set of methods to facilitate waiting a certain amount of time for a delegate to evaluate, while ignoring certain exceptions while attempting to evaluate, and throwing after a specified time limit (or throwing immediately if an unexpected exception is encountered)
General purpose contracts and implementations for asynchronous messaging.
Package Description
Extension enforces the use of the ConfigureAwait expression. Visual studio extension is available here:
A .NET core 2.2 fork of CSRedis.
A flexible and testable validator library for C#.
A Roslyn analyzer with rules related to generation and consumption of enumerables and async enumerables in C#.