Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Adds messaging endpoints for managing plugins. The endpoints will work if Kephas.Messaging is referenced and the IMessageProcessor is used for processing the messages. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - Install/Uninstall/UpdatePluginHandler, Enable/Disabl...
NosCore's Shared Components
.NET helper classes for modular and reactive applications
Help methods, data annotations, extensions, enumerations and options classes.
Adds messaging endpoints for core services. The endpoints wills work if Kephas.Messaging is referenced and the IMessageProcessor is used for processing the messages. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - EncryptMessage, HashMessage, GetLogLevelMessage, SetLo...
The Catalytic SDK allows you to integration your app with the Catalytic Platform. Key Benefits: - Easily add powerful capabilities to your app like customizable ETL, webforms, notifications and hundreds of integrations - Dramatically lower the cost of risk of rapidly prototyping n...
Provides types needed for writing plugins for StreamCompanion
SinGooCMS.Ado 支持netstandard2.1和net framework 4.6.1,原生sql语句操作,支持SqlServer、MySql、Sqlite、Oracle
A simple tentaculated object-relational mapper for .Net
Not Available
MoreThanI Standard SDK
Cross-platform .NET Standard library for asynchronous access to HID Devices (e.g. gamepads, joysticks, etc.)
Celeste.Misc.Utils For Age Of Empires Online Celeste Fan Project Visit Us: Age of Empires Online © Microsoft Corporation. Celeste Fan Project was created under Microsoft's Game Content Usage Rules using assets from Age of Empires Online, and it is not endorsed by or...
Adds messaging endpoints for the scheduling services. The endpoints will work if Kephas.Messaging is referenced and the IMessageProcessor is used for processing the messages. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - Enable/Disable/CancelScheduledJobHandler, Ena...
Provides the implementation of a command processor using Kephas.Messaging. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - MessagingCommandRegistry, MessageOperation. - Reflection: MessageOperationInfo. Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) ai...
Add WPF support to Dapplo.HttpExtensions
AppText is a content management system for apps. Application developers can use it to replace static resources in applications with dynamic content and delegate content management to non-developers.
.NET Core Common 基础库
Library for parsing and saving CSV and Tab Delimited Files in .NET.
Object library for Dox