Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Boost library's common utilities
Package contains some domain model abstractions thath serve to domain model layers
DotNet Framework and Core Helpers for Desktop
A general purpose object-oriented mapper.
修复src srcset 问题 v5
A shared code Windows library
Classe de Modelos do S2Pay
This is the official C#/.NET client library for the IP address API
Core SDK models for Voicify integrations
Feed Allocation System API Client
Microservice Core (MSC) .NET Core library for building microservices This set of the libraries will help you to organize your microservice architecture in most efficient way. This project is aimed at placing microservices inside docker's containers, but you also can use it inside self-hosted consol...
A lightweight generic entities cacheable repository using Dapper
Type definitions of DTOs, for Veracity IoT Platform
Makes use of Identity to give a simple JWT controller for web api.
Biblioteca de itens comuns entre projetos corporativos da FACode
MAD.NET.Data contains the abstractions and contracts to make an access to a data storage engine as simple as possible.
The MediatR Behaviors.