Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

This package provides multiple collection such as improvided (KdTree with selection, Fibonacci heaps, ...) implementation and commonly used extension for .Net types.based methods and algorithms to handle math computing taks. For more details how to use MARS, please use the d...
Entity Framework Core is a lightweight and extensible version of the popular Entity Framework data access technology. Commonly Used Types: Arch.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext Arch.EntityFrameworkCore.DbSet
Essential useful helping methods for Aadvantage Lab company
Cron builder object that can be used to build Cron expressions, describe them, and manipulate objects.
Simple library for Hlídač státu Datasets
Load application settings into strong typed objects with two lines of code. Supports validation, nested objects, arrays, lists and dictionaries.
Elasticsearch API CRUD, data transfers, indexing and simple search for nested, child/parent or simple documents, easy usage KISS
Core library for Arragro for caching, business rules, services, DDD.
Azure Search on friendly steroids.
Provides the agreed contracts between Octopus server side authentication extensions.
Application framework for .NET Core
Elasticsearch-specific implementation of Ofl.Search.Abstractions abstractions.
A simple to use messaging framework built on protocol buffers.
Create state-machines for complicated flows, in a serializable and pluggable system.
Framework for user profile management
Unofficial .NET MercadoPago SDK
.NET Client libary for API
imbSCI.Core library of imbSCI module (imbVeles framework). Provides attributes for data annotation, data aggregation, reporting, PropertyExpression, type description data (advanced reflection), rich extensions library (data, enum works, input/output, math, DataTable, text manipulation, type works (e...
Livepay API Models
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