Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

System.Text.Json functionality for Dapplo.HttpExtensions
A C# Client library for AvePoint Cloud Governance public REST endpoints providing the functionalities of Cloud Governance.
Add WinForms support to Dapplo.HttpExtensions
Helper library for common HttpClient/WebAPI requirements.
A .net client for interfacing with the API.
Framework desarrollo productos JAMSOFT
Adds CosmosDB actions to Bot Framework composer
Package Description
Cauca Address Selection
WixSharp is a C# and .NET library that helps developers easily authenticate with and manage Wix stores.
Wrapper for MACS3 public ConditionCheck API
Package Description
分布式开发框架 数据处理器
GraphQL ASP.NET is a fully functional GraphQL library that utilizes a controller/action programming model similar to ASP.NET.
Cosmos base library
Wrapper for MACS3.Connected public Stability-Calculation API
Wrapper for MACS3.Connected public Lashing-Calculation API
Wrapper for MACS3.Connected public Dangerous-Cargo-Calculation API
Permite Integrar sus proyectos con la API de Emita Facturas y Notas Electrónica para Colombia cumpliendo con todas las normas vigentes
.NET klasser för generering av XML-filer med intensivvårdsdata till Svenska Intensivvårdsregistret.