Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Ivvy.API makes it easy to use the iVvy API version 1+ and build extensions on the iVvy platform.
Package Description
NSwag SwaggerGenerator for generating Swagger JSON from HttpTriggered Azure Functions. Supports the AzureFunctionsV2.HttpExtensions function signature and authentication extensions as well.
Interactive command-line based application framework for C#
Package Description
Entidad base de trifenix connect
This is Ezdan Core Web Api Contracts.
.Net Core Utilities methods
An UNOFFICIAL port of the DocuSign C# Client to .NET Core. If not using .NET Core, it is recommended to use the original DocuSign.eSign package.
PdfReport.Core is a code first reporting engine, which is built on top of the iTextSharp.LGPLv2.Core and EPPlus.Core libraries.
This package provides general purpose core components.
Package Description
Mirage is an open source library for .Net designed to create random data for POCOs, unit tests, etc. Supports .Net Core as well as full .Net.
Modelli standard per l'integrazione, tramite WebAPI, con il sistema documentale DocSuite
Symphony REST API Client Library for .NET
Provides a common database context and predicates for use with Dapper.
A powerful .NET framework for building multi-tier web or desktop applications using MVVM pattern.
Package Description
Classes bridge from OdataToEntity to Linq2Db. Abstraction layer access to DataContext Entity Linq2Db
Abstractions of Backend.Fx and generic base implementations.