Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Library to Ebanx Api
wallee SDK for C#
Common DTO library that can be used to communicate with and from FreshBabel Messenger.
Provides the infrastructure for console applications based on Kephas Framework. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - ConsoleAppShutdownAwaiter. Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure for applications and ap...
NetModular data for query
基于 Dapper 的通用数据库操作库,支持SqlServer、MySql以及Oracle。
SavantBuffer's DbConnector: A performance-driven and ADO.NET data provider-agnostic ORM library for .NET
Extension function pack to increase productivity and improve source code writing.
阿里巴巴开放平台SDK C#版本 使用例子 var alibabaClient = new AlibabaSDK.AlibabaStandardApiClient("appKey", "appSecret"); //设置授权信息 alibabaClient.SetAccessToken("accessToken"); //订单详情查看 var order = alibabaClient.AlibabaTradeGetBuyerView("1688", 1111);
Code base for Xibao product
Several extension methods that provide code reuse. Developed by the company IronBug.
Additional DataAnnotations attributes. Not specific to Tapeti, but useful for annotating message classes.
Tools for other Dreamry project.
MyrConn PetroVisor Web API client library
Helper package that contains all common classes, extensions and helpers
PineBlog core package.
Abbotware Interop Library for EntityFramework - Contains helper methods, extension methods, and plugins
The SDK simplifying the integration with Sportradar's MTS services (.NET Standard 2.1)
Lightweight, extremely fast and memory efficient Excel output library for .NET and .NET Core applications. Build your Excel reports in fraction of seconds with no memory footprint thanks to skipping XML serialization and streaming data directly to the file.
Library for general data state purposes