Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

A fake in-memory relational database for prototypes and unit tests.
A library for generating SQL migration scripts.
This package contains dto classes exposed on the REST services as well as some general purpose extensions on various types.
EFDatatable is a helper to create a grid with Jquery Datatable and provides an extension to retrive data generically from Entity Framework context. It possible to use many datatable.js features with Html Helper. It gives serverside or client side options.
BETA - ComoSense API 4.0 implementation
Integração Saurus Mercado Now Modelos de Comunicacao
A library that allows you to integrate Rainsoft.Validations with System.ComponentModel.Annotations, thus enabling you to use Rainsoft.Validations transparently with Microsoft's validation infrastructure.
Contains common supporting code for .NET applications.
Contains supporting code for .NET front-end applications.
Client part of OpenServices.M2M providing the M2M view on link table entities.
Core models for Endpointer.Authentication.
This library contains the basic to start wpf application
An ORM Base Library.
Package Description
Clases genericas que componen la capa Core.UseCase de clean architecture.
Collection of extensions for .NET
Package Description
BETA - ComoSense API 4.0 implementation
Package Description
BALKAN is a .NET client library for BALKAN App Services. (Official Library)