Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Platz.ObjectBuilder is a Blazor UI component that allows to build Models and Queries visually and generate C# code based on saved json data.
A Trivial package to generate token
A GraphQL library for .NET Core. All Honor goes to Luke Murray i just updated some dependencies
Package Description
This library contains the API endpoint and configuration models necessary to communicate with the GlobalLink Publisher Application API.
Library for connecting and executing queries to the database
Library for calling web services
This package contains APIs to create OData Edm (Entity Data Model) using C# types, attributes and conventions.
Popular lib for using with IQueryable. Install this package for the css/js/cshtml files if you aren't using the EmbeddedResouces
Extensions for .NET (ASP.NET, WPF, ...) validation frameworks.
Compiste web application development framework, application development infrastructure. SchuberFramework core class libraries.
.NET SQLServer Data Access, Object Relational Mapper and Caching Library
Package Description
Provides the agreed contracts between Octopus server side extensions.
PointlessArhitecture Validation
Modified from Microsoft source code. Merged EmailAddressAttribute and Phone Attribute. Allow users to login with email or phone. The default is email only.
Open project for EU procurements related UBL data model
Open data model draft for EU ESPD version 2.1 EDM data model implemented as .NET Standard 2.1 library. The library will offer in the future support for XML and JSON serialization / deserialization