Top 20 NuGet monogame Packages

An open source set of base components to build RPG games
MonoGame is an open source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4.x Framework. The goal is to make it easy for XNA developers to create cross-platform games with extremely high code reuse. This package provides you with MonoGame Framework that uses DirectX for rendering and works on Windows.
Shapes extension for MonoGame SpriteBatch.
The MonoGame runtime for Android.
The MonoGame runtime for iOS amd iPadOS.
Myra Additional Widgets for Making Custom Editor
Empty Keys UI is XAML based UI library. This package supports only MonoGame engine.
Simplify opening SQLite databases for cross-platform .Net projects
RevMob integration for MonoGame.Android and MonoGame.iOS
Tiled Map MonoGame pipeline extensions
Provides DirectInput gamepad support for Win32. Forked from the popular Nuclex Framework.
Provides keyboard and mouse input support for Win32. Forked from the popular Nuclex Framework.
Provides a screen mask special effect that fills the screen with a solid color. Forked from the popular Nuclex Framework.
Provides vertex batch drawing capabilities similar to SpriteBatch. Also contains a 3D camera implementation, and a helpful DebugDrawer. Forked from the popular Nuclex Framework.
Provides helpers for working with vertex definitions. Use VertexElementAttribute to annotate your custom vertex types, and then use VertexDefinitionBuilder to create arrays of VertexElement to instruct MonoGame how to read your vertices. Forked from the popular Nuclex Framework.
Extends MonoGame with additional 3D geometry operations. Includes primitives for 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional shapes, (within 3-dimensional space), with simplistic collision detection. Forked from the popular Nuclex Framework.
Provides game state management. Forked from the popular Nuclex Framework.