Top 20 NuGet monogame Packages
The MonoGame runtime for Windows using DirectX API's.
Some handy Monogame timer objects that can be used for time effects like hiererchical time, slowdown, speedup, hitpause, etc.
Helper classes for wrapping up input from different devices.
A MonoGame component for doing simple mouse interaction
Quick library for helping to read in content from xml files
MonoGame library to easily show messages to the player via toast popups
A MonoGame library for splitting up a 2d game world into cells, used to speed up collision detection etc.
A GUI system for MonoGame written from the ground up to make MonoGame more awesome.
An event based input system to MonoGame more awesome.
A port of the Nuclex GUI system ( to make MonoGame more awesome.
A high performance particle system to make MonoGame more awesome.
A scene graph system to make MonoGame more awesome.
A tweening system to make MonoGame more awesome.
A C# library for choosing a random item from a collection of weighted items
Debug your splines with this package. Call Setup.Initialize(graphics.GraphicsDevice); to do that.
Create wonderful smooth BézierSplines, CatMulRomSplines and HermiteSplines with TriggerEvents for your MonoGame project.
Nez is a free 2D focused framework that works with MonoGame and FNA.
A set of data oriented patterns that can simplify managing your game data with OpenRpg
Adds common types and classes for fantasy style settings
A set of convention based systems to speed up the setup of projects using EcsRx