Top 20 NuGet ansi Packages
Rebex.Terminal is part of Rebex SSH Shell - a set of SSH shell, telnet and terminal emulation libraries that makes it easy to execute commands on Unix/Windows SSH or telnet servers and add terminal emulation capabilities to your applications.
This is a paid commercial product with a free 30-day tri...
Rebex.SshShell is part of Rebex SSH Shell - a set of SSH shell, telnet and terminal emulation libraries that makes it easy to execute commands on Unix/Windows SSH or telnet servers and add terminal emulation capabilities to your applications.
This is a paid commercial product with a free 30-day tri...
FAnsiSql is a database management/ETL library that allows you to perform common SQL operations without having to know which Database Management System (DBMS) you are targetting (e.g. Sql Server, My Sql, Oracle).
A library that emulates old-school console and command prompt style graphics.
A tiny utility class that makes colorizing console output a breeze.
Rebex.Telnet is part of Rebex SSH Shell - a set of SSH shell, telnet and terminal emulation libraries that makes it easy to execute commands on Unix/Windows SSH or telnet servers and add terminal emulation capabilities to your applications.
This is a paid commercial product with a free 30-day trial...
Rebex.Terminal.Control is part of Rebex SSH Shell - a set of SSH shell, telnet and terminal emulation libraries that makes it easy to execute commands on Unix/Windows SSH or telnet servers and add terminal emulation capabilities to your applications.
This is a paid commercial product with a free 30...
Extends ADONetHelper library to MySQL, MariaDb, Percona Server, Amazon Aurora, Azure Database for MySQL
The OleDB_dotNET Class Library is a high level wrapper around the ODBC, OLEDB and SQLServer.
The library is currently compiled at .Net 4.0 so it should work with any application running .Net 4.0 and above.
The SqlServerDB_dotNET Class Library is a high level wrapper around the SQLServer.
The library is currently compiled at .Net 4.0 so it should work with any application running .Net 4.0 and above.
A graphics hosting library for SadConsole that targets SFML.
A graphics hosting library for SadConsole that targets MonoGame.
Strip Ansi (strip-ansi) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
An FNA library that emulates old-school console and command prompt style graphics. Use the SadConsole.Starter package for new projects.
Extends ADONetHelper library for SQL Server
Extends ADONetHelper library to Sqlite
Extends ADONetHelper library to Odbc
Extends ADONetHelper library to Oledb
Generic ADO.NET client library to connect to a relational database system using a given providers ADO.NET driver. Driver can be in Global Assembly Cache or referenced as a nuget package.
Extends ADONetHelper library for Teradata