Top 20 NuGet cache Packages

Prerequisite for MagicEastern.CachedFunc.Core and MagicEastern.CachedFunc.Net45.
Persistent Memory Cache, caches in Memory but also to Disk, so cache is persistent across restarts, build on Top of "Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions" and "LiteDB"
Cache provider for NHibernate using MemoryCache.
Caching operators for FluentRestBuilder.
Common library for Dandago.CacheService and its client library.
Client library for Dandago.CacheService.
Socket wrapper around MemoryCache so that it can be shared between processes.
A small utility library with extensions to MVC See the project site for a complete list of functionality.
.NET Core 2.0 Wrapper for MemoryCache
Caching abstractions for in-memory cache and distributed cache.
Store your data in Local storage just by adding the SettingsAttribute on top of the properies to store or on top of your settings class and let our aspect do the rest for you. It work by weaving the geter and seter for the target property to make sure that it read/write from local storage.
This library adds Redis support as a store for RapidCache
Allows to subscribe to procedure results and get notified from DB when these results will change.
A MemoryCache which tries to prevent cache miss for hot entries, by refreshing before expiration.
An adapter for ObjectCache that allows for simplified access to cache items.
Couchbase second level Cache provider for NHibernate