Top 20 NuGet cache Packages

Fast, easy, unobtrusive, light-weight, and concurrency-safe cache library for NetCore and Net 5. Prevents cache stampedes and makes it easy to implement application caching.
An abp application module helps administrators to manage the app cache data.
Xembly Caching Distributed Lock is an addon for Microsoft's Distributed Cache library which creates a distributed lock for your chosen type of distributed cache system that implements IDistributedCache.
The Enterprise Library Caching Cryptography Provider lets developers encrypt the data to be cached.
FileCaching is an implementation of BaseCacheHandle from CacheManager.Core.
An implementation of .net 4.0's ObjectCache that saves to an instance of a Cassandra Db.
Cache manager command for NetBash
WP7Contrib caching assemblies. Contains the following assemblies: WP7Contrib.Caching.dll WP7Contrib.Common.dll WP7Contrib.Collections.dll WP7Contrib.Logging.dll
WP7Contrib core assemblies. Contains the following assemblies: WP7Contrib.Common.dll WP7Contrib.Collections.dll WP7Contrib.Diagnostics.dll WP7Contrib.Logging.dll
Cache method results
This library provides extended cache capabilities to the ASP.NET applications. It includes the MongoDB and SQL Server output cache providers extending ASP.NET Output Cache capabilities by allowing to store cached data outside of the application process that is especially important in web-farm scena...
This project contains the memory cache implementation of the nohros caching API.
delivers dynamic content with the speed of static content using asyncronous caching
The Enyim memcached client provides "memcached" cache support; this package adds a protobuf-net transcoder, allowing fast and efficient serialization/deserialization instead of using BinaryFormatter.
Caching for Windows 8 projects
Fast and configurable repository implementation for multiple types of data sources.
Memoization is an optimization technique used primarily to speed up computer programs by having function calls avoid repeating the calculation of results for previously processed inputs. This library provides extension methods for the System.Func`1 group of delegates, allowing them to be memoized.
A C# library which gives you a Persistent Cache, if we run out of memory we will store the expired and evicted cache items to disk. Think Membase but as a simple C# project, which you can include in your project.
Simple lightweight object in-memory cache, with a background timer to remove expired objects. Fast in-memory cache for data that are expensive to create and can be used in a thread-safe manner. All stored items are kept in concurrent data structures (ConcurrentDictionary) to allow multi-thread usag...
Cache extensions for ServiceStack ICacheClient. Includes cache context and mvc donut caching.