Top 20 NuGet cache Packages

Portkit.Net is an implementation collection of network and http design patterns.
File cache manager for Windows applications.
Cache provider for NHibernateX using ASP.NET Cache object.
Cache provider for NHibernateX using ASP.NET Cache object.
RevStack Cache repository pattern abstraction.
AspNetCoreNoCache is an ASP.NET Core solution which ensures that http responses are not cached.
System.Web.Caching / HttpContext.Cache implementation for DoubleCache
MyOql Orm Cache Service
Umbraco Package: Supports a mail cache and SSL / SMIME for .NET SmtpClient. For SMIME the package uses a derivation of Cpi.Net.SecureMail by Pete Everett (
A simple library for working with Redis cache server - standalone or threw AWS ElastiCache Redis nodes.
MindSung.Caching is a library that defines an injectable interface and implementations for providing shared cache services.
delivers dynamic content with the speed of static content using asyncronous caching
Simple Caching
Abstraction layer over Linq with cache capabilities. Now with async capabilities (experimental).
outputcache for webapi memcached provider
outputcache for webapi
A way to create a function which is able to cache previous results.