Top 20 NuGet cache Packages

In memory implementation of InceptionCache ICacheProvider
Redis implementation of InceptionCache ICacheProvider
Redis token cache repository for Thinktecture identity
Provides an all-prupose caching service with Autofac AOP configuration extensions.
A simple service to manage cache values in Redis. If cache key doesn't exist, "get" methods will use the delegate parameter to acquire data and cache it in Redis. It currently supports keys and hash sets.
Two-layer caching strategy (MemoryCache + Redis) for ASP.NET applications
CacheInterceptor - Castle.Core Interceptor to cache method calls for any specified duration
Lazy object loading-unloading for huge collections which do not fit into RAM.
Couchbase second level Cache provider for NHibernate
Leverage the Wired.Caching component in your MVC project
Fody add-in to decorate arbitrary methods to get or store object in cache
Memcached client with support for text and binary protocols.
This library is the .Net client for the OVO Key/Value storage and distributed cache. OVO is an open source project available on GitHub:
An async httpclient with optional caching
A Simple .Net Message Queue that Uses Redis for the back end.
LancheProject 缓存组件
Reflection Helper with Caching and Attribute support
A simple .NET library to cache data using custom providers.
StackExchange.Redis.Extensions is a library that extends StackExchange.Redis allowing you a set of functionality needed by common applications. To store complex data It requires one of the following implementations: - StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.Newtonsoft - StackExchange.Redis.Extensi...
StackExchange.Redis.Extensions is a library that extends StackExchange.Redis allowing you a set of functionality needed by common applications. This implementation is based on protobuf-net