Top 20 NuGet cache Packages

Redis distributed cache inplementation of IDistributedCache<T>
Add App.Metrics to memory and distributed cache
Entity Framework Second Level Caching Library.
Simple library to Using Redis Cache In .NET Core Projects
Simple cache for http requests. This package contains IApiCacheService implementation based on Realm.
Simple cache for http requests. This package contains IConnectivity implementation.
Extension methods that expand on Microsoft.Extension.Caching.
An ASP.NET MVC ITempDataProvider for Redis.
A thread-safe caching infrastructure for caching data objects, which should be requested only once when needed from the data source (db, service or any type of data source)
Memecached缓存 12、补充nodejs 等操作
A caching package for Umbraco CMS. Automatically caches result of registered tree crawling and xpath results.
RedisCacheService: simple wrapper on StackExchange.Redis, that can help you to create, read, check existing, and delete data at JSON format with own serialization (based on Newtonsoft.Json).
T4 scripts to generate model classes compatibile with ACE ADO Cache Engine. To use it provide correct data base configuration in file and save changes - POCO files will be generated automatically.