Top 20 NuGet cache Packages

The purpose of this library is to store cache data, the infrastructure "StackExchange.Redis" is fed, but this library offers more generic and clean architecture. This library was developed .NET Standard.
Providers additional requesters and IO helpers for AngleSharp for .NET Framework 4.6.1.
Optimize EF6 queries for second level ef cache.
An implementation of the IDistributedCache that uses a Stateful Reliable Service Fabric service to act as the cache store. You can use this library to setup a distributed cache and use Service Fabric instead of Redis or SQL Server. Thanks goes to
AspNetCoreCache is a ASP.NET Core cache wrapper for quick and effective cache usage. It deals with all the hard work for having sourced caches and a cache manager to make life easier.
Este pacote oferece ferramentas para serem utilizadas em WebApis, com componentes como ExceptionFilter e uma abstract class Business com métodos de integração com RabitMq e CacheDistribuido
Cache system based on Akavache
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using EasyCaching. 使用可以查看:
Provides common interfaces over various common enterprise system implementations.
This library adds support to Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory as a store for RapidCache
Simple wrapper around `System.Runtime.Caching`
基于 Reface.AppStarter 实现的缓存功能
An URL extension helper to append version to content URL for files such as js, css, json, etc for cache busting.
A nice integration between EasyCaching and EasyCompressor. This library aids in Improving Performance by Reducing Memory Usage and Bandwidth Usage by compressing your cache data, especially for distributed cache (such as Redis). EasyCaching is an Easy-to-Use caching library that offers many features...
A caching library helper for your Carter API
Cache Expansion of Core Library
ASP.NET Core middleware providing pure server-side output caching through a simple-to-use API