Top 20 NuGet cache Packages

High performance distributed cache helper with the support of serialization and deserialization, incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous using implementation of IDistributedCache.
📂 A variety of cache implementations, all in .NET Core C#
Allow an administrator to view logs in real time.
Cache your url response or Image url easily.
AspectCache is a library that will help you cache on your endpoints much easier. See: for problem description
An extension for caching results of queries into the Redis cache. This library implements asynchronous and synchronous execution. It supports distributed lock to be able to use cache between n-numbers of servers which runs the application and doesn’t allow any race condition for cache update. You ca...
cache plug
An implementation of the IDistributedCache that uses a Stateful Reliable Service Fabric service to act as the cache store. You can use this library to setup a distributed cache and use Service Fabric instead of Redis or SQL Server. Thanks goes to
An implementation of the IDistributedCache that uses a Stateful Reliable Service Fabric service to act as the cache store. You can use this library to setup a distributed cache and use Service Fabric instead of Redis or SQL Server. Thanks goes to
A .NET Standard IDistributedCache implementation based on Microsoft Orleans with persistence support.
This Package Contain Useful Library And Extention Method For Easy Develop High Tech .Net Core Application. ForExample : Implementation Of Runtime Caching, MemoryCache, ExtensionMethods, ...
This lib is an extension built on top of the Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks.HealthCheckService that allows the developer to choose to cache any checks they want.
A Neo4j ICacheClient to persist cached data in a Neo4j Graph DB. Implements ServiceStack's built-in Cache Provider:
A Neo4j ICacheClient to persist cached data in a Neo4j Graph DB. Implements ServiceStack's built-in Cache Provider:
A .Net Core 3.1 library that adds simple functionality for distributed redis caching.
A CacheFactory that lets you creates unique cache keys based on input values.