Top 20 NuGet async Packages

StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.AspNetCore is a library that has a set of extensions method fpr ASP.NET Core
The Collection of extension methods for DotNetCore application development.
The server module for a simple SSL or non-SSL Tcp Server with authentication.
Simple, fast, async C# web server for handling REST requests with SSL support, targeted to .NET Core, .NET Standard, and .NET Framework.
A simple C# async TCP server and client with integrated framing for reliable transmission and receipt of data
Dynamic Linq extensions for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore which adds Async support
The core module for a simple SSL or non-SSL async await Tcp Server and Client with authentication. This package is used by both Tcp.NET.Client and Tcp.NET.Server.
The server and client modules for a simple SSL or non-SSL Tcp Server with authentication.
Dynamic Linq extensions for EntityFramework which adds Async support
A package to essentially wrap Task.Run and variants in a runner object which can be substituted or have their implementation changed according to selected task scheduling strategies.
Free yourself from IsBusy=true! The `TaskLoaderView` and the `TemplatedTaskLoader` are UI components that handle all your UI loading state (Loading, Error, Result, Notification), and removes all the pain of async loading from your view models (try catch / async void / IsBusy / HasErrors / base view ...
Provides a distributed lock implementation based on SQL Server
The Transient Fault Handling Core provides the retry mechanisms to make your application more resilient to transient faults in both synchronous and asynchronous scenarios.
Redis client library based on StackExchange.Redis with features like an extensible serialization strategy, a tagging mechanism to group keys and hash fields, and more, all being cluster-compatible.
The Transient Fault Handling Application Block for Windows Azure ("Topaz") provides a set of reusable and testable components for adding retry logic into your Windows Azure applications leveraging Windows Azure SQL Database, Windows Azure storage, Service Bus and Caching Service. This makes your Win...
Async Extensions for ICommand Includes AsyncCommand and IAsyncCommand which allows ICommand to safely be used asynchronously with Task. Includes AsyncValueCommand and IAsyncValueCommand which allows ICommand to safely be used asynchronously with ValueTask
Free yourself from async void! TaskMonitor is a task wrapper component helping you to deal with "fire and forget" Task (non awaited task) by implementing async/await best practices. Featuring: * Safe execution of your non awaited tasks * Delegates for all states of the loaded task * Builder patter...
KVLite is a partition-based key-value cache built for SQL RDBMSs. This package contains Polly cache providers (both sync and async). For example, you can easily plug your Polly cache policy to KVLite SQL drivers.
The module provides extended primitives for multithreaded and asynchronous programming.
Provides a distributed lock implementation based on Postgresql