Top 20 NuGet async Packages

Ultra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C# .NET Core library with support TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket protocols and 10K connections problem solution
Provides a distributed lock implementation based on global WaitHandle objects in Windows
Transient error detection strategies to use with Windows Azure Storage, for the Transient Fault Handling Application Block ("Topaz").
StackExchange.Redis.Extensions is a library that extends StackExchange.Redis allowing you a set of functionality needed by common applications. To store complex data It requires one of the following implementations: - StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.Newtonsoft - ...
Chilkat Runtime Component for Universal Apps for SSH/SFTP, FTP, POP3, SMTP, IMAP, SSL/TLS, Zip, REST, HTTP, RSA, Encryption, XML DSig, WebSocket, Compression, XML, Socket, XMP, HTML to XML, JSON, JWT, conversion, PKCS12/PFX, Java Keystore, ASN.1, PEM, ECC, Async, ...
A lightweight and highly scalable asynchronous WebSocket listener for .NET Core, .NET and Mono.
A library for implementing the Command Pattern, providing of a set of base classes and an invoker class. Useful for abstracting data access and API calls as either queries (for read operations) or commands (for write operations).
Morgan's CLR Advanced Runtime es un conjunto de funciones, extensiones y módulos que he encontrado útiles a lo largo de mis años de experiencia con lenguajes .Net, particularmente con Visual Basic. Trata de añadir características que no se encuentran fácilmente disponibles en .Net Framework, y ademá...
.Net and .Net Standart coin gecko async client for newest Min-API
The core module for an easy to use and heavily customizable Tcp layer for N-Tier architecture.
Provides an efficient async/await integration to Unity and .NET Core.
Helpful types for writing asynchronous unit tests.
Tool for generating async C# code
Network library supporting: TCP, UDP, RSA, events and objects. Fast and simple, with only 48bit overhead per packet. Send and receive packets with async operations. Examples at: Documentation at: Fork me: h...
ReactiveProperty.XamarinAndroid provides many useful extension methods for .NET for Android that can be used with ReactiveProperty.
AsyncResult and Result computation expressions and helper functions for error handling in F#.
Writes lightly-structured MySqlConnector logging output to Serilog.
Experimental operators for the C# 8 IAsyncEnumerables.
This package is a translation of the lz4 C sources (1.9.4) to C#. LZ4 has been written by Yann Collet and the original sources can be found on LZ4 is a very fast lossless compression algorithm, providing compression speed at 400 MB/s per core, with near-linear scalability...
An async / await wrapper of TwitchLib that supports multiple bots in multiple channels with an interface allowing you to create your own data-access-layer or in-memory service.