Top 20 NuGet micro Packages

MQTT client based on M2Mqtt 4.3.0 for .NETCORE 3.1
A native functional ASP.NET Core web framework for F# developers.
Razor view engine support for the Giraffe web framework.
Bard is a .NET library for functional API testing.
Micro Charts is a set of charts that visualize quantitative data in WPF applications, and are designed to render clearly in compact spaces. Many chart types are supported, from basic line and bar charts to stacked area charts. The sparkline chart controls include numerous useful features such as mul...
An F# view engine for Giraffe and other ASP.NET Core web applications.
A dotnet-new template for Giraffe web applications.
An ASP.NET Core with EF Core way of leveraging tomware.Microwf.Core in a Web Api.
Micro Framework & API for .NET
RabbitMQ transport for EzBus
M2Mqtt is a MQTT client available for all .Net platform (.Net Framework, .Net Compact Framework and .Net Micro Framework) and WinRT platform (Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1) for M2M communication.
DotLiquid templating engine http handlers for the Giraffe web framework.
Connect C# SDK autogenerated from Haxe sources.
a super-easy document database proxy for SQL Server + Repository (class)
Emitter is an MQTT client tailored for service, allowing real-time publish subscribe. It supports full .Net Framework, .Net Micro Framework and WinRT platform (Windows 8+ and Windows Phone 8+).
Gemini is an application shell similar in concept to the Visual Studio Shell. It uses AvalonDock and has an MVVM architecture based on Caliburn Micro.
A simple finite state machine (FSM) with workflow character where you define your workflows in code.
Infrastructure types for the tomware.Microwf library that defaults with EF.
Domain types for the tomware.Microwf library.
W-ORM is simple and usefull an ORM