Top 20 NuGet micro Packages

Microservices Infrastructure layer common functionalities related WebHost
Microservices Infrastructure layer common functionalities related Resilience
Microservices Infrastructure layer common functionalities related DDD (Domain Driven Design)
Micro services Infrastructure layer common functionalities related EventBus
Micro services Infrastructure layer related Azure ServiceBus as EventBus.
Micro services Infrastructure layer related RabbitMQ EventBus
Micro Http Server - small http server to be used with other applications such as windows services. In this case, the package could be used do get the service status or send commands to the service.
Bibliothèque de classes utilitaires pour la construction d'applications respectant les modèles d'architecture DDD/CQRS/ES
A high performance Micro-ORM supporting SQL Server, MySQL, OracleSQL, MongoDB ...
Connect C# SDK autogenerated from Haxe sources.
Ormy micro ORM
SqLite Micro ORM