Top 20 NuGet micro Packages

Long Running Process Execution in Dotnet. Runs long running processes in the background of your application allowing you to fire and forget any long running processes you may need to execute. The core elements that make Microphobia work.
XUnit tests for adjunct-Caliburn.Micro.Logging
XUnit tests for adjunct-Caliburn.Micro.Validation
uScoober.TestFramework: Graphic Display Interface
Light-weight framework for building micro services
Alternative routing API for Giraffe web applications which is aimed at maximum performance.
Long Running Process Execution in Dotnet. Runs long running processes in the background of your application allowing you to fire and forget any long running processes you may need to execute. Helper utilities.
M2Mqtt is a MQTT client available for .NET nanoFramework for M2M communication.
Long Running Process Execution in Dotnet. Runs long running processes in the background of your application allowing you to fire and forget any long running processes you may need to execute. The cross cutting concerns running throughout the Microphobia platform.
Long Running Process Execution in Dotnet. Runs long running processes in the background of your application allowing you to fire and forget any long running processes you may need to execute. Targeted toward Postgres storage.
LogBase, Debug, and Trace loggers for CaliburnMicro
ValidatingScreen for CaliburnMicro
Tinyweb is a lightweight web framework for ASP.NET that embraces HTTP and aims to be ridiculously simple. Tinyweb moves away from the MVC pattern for developing web applications. Instead, you start with separate addressable resources that respond directly to the HTTP method that was used to access t...
Output module for Gemini, providing a buffered output tool pane.
Missing revenue from customers without credit card or customers not willing to share credit card details? iPayy is the solution for you! Features MicroPayment This module enables you, as a merchant, to accept payment for your digital goods ranging anywhere between ₹1 and ₹...
log4net appender for EzBus