Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

.Net Dev Utils
Set of C# extension to write cleaner code. Extensions can be use in LinkQ, Rx Extensions and anywhere yo can use an extension. For example: 'if (obj == null)' can be use as 'obj.IfNull(() => .....)' there are tons of unit test samples
An easy way to create ASP.NET Web Forms Application using Bootstrap 3.0 framework.
Envelop is a simple to use Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control container
A framework for constructing evolutionary algorithms in RoboCode.NET
This package contains the required metadata to use Angular.JS with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. Install this package on the website project.
This package contains the required metadata to use Angular.JS with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. Install this package on the C# saltarelle project.
This package contains the required metadata to use SignalR with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler.
OpenTK implementation of the Sharplike.Core
Sharplike: The Open Roguelike Library
Write your .NET configuration files in PowerShell
Base front-end template for SBS intranet applications
Console application that automatically generates factory implementations for classes marked with [GenerateFactory] attribute, by using Roslyn C# Compiler-as-a-Service. New files named <TargetClass>Factory.Generated.cs are added to the project. Can be used in a build server environment.
Converts the rows of a bidimensional-array to a list of unidimensional-arrays
A collection of useful classes i have collected. I will add more as i need them.
Some WPF behaviors, converters, effects, extensions and utilities that i have used and collected.
A sample of how to consume ETW event from C#. The NuGet package contains the source code.
WeightedSelector.NET lets you assign weights to a set of choices, then make intelligent decisions based on each choice's proportion of the total weight. This simple concept is useful for machine learning scenarios where choices need to be made based on dynamic factors. Great examples include sugg...
Uses delegates to provide fast access to public fields and properties