Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

ReTry gives you the ability to have service calls retried n-number of times before failing. This can be useful when making calls over the internet or to a database and you don't want a temporary interuption to raise an exception without first trying a couple of more times. ReTry lets you decide ho...
OBSOLETE PACKAGE. Please install Saltarelle.Node instead
The package provides a very basic implementation of the TUIO protocol as available on Note: The current implementation may not have all features, but it's running very stable in my TouchInjector app (
Project references for Entityspaces ORM Architecture v2012.1.0930.0 You will need to download Entityspaces Studio in order to generate your data layer. For further info, see the project site or
Dependency Injection Container with a very simple API
XAML based calendar control for WinRT / Windows Store Style application. Supports full custom styling and comes with a template you can easily customize. Supports all modes, including snapped with the default template.
Pipeline Style programming brings a more functional programming style of coding to C#. Inspired by F# pipelining and C# LINQ method syntax, this tiny set of extension functions, add more functional programming features to C#.
CustomExtensions - Custom Extension Methods For C# This is an open-source library of C# extension methods used to add functionality to commonly used classes and to enhance LINQ.
Describe behaviour in plain text using the Gherkin business language, i.e. given, when, then. Easily execute the behaviour against matching F# tick methods (let ``tick method`` () = true) or attributed C# or F# methods.
Yeah, you can access json with dynamic & Json.Net. But why can't we have the old static way? Is there no one miss the happiness of working with intellisense? There must be a easy way. 动态调用RestAPI返回的json, 确实很简单 但是你自己要封装一个SDK给别人,你好意思给人家说明书让人家看着说明书动态调用么? 看着动态调用里面写着...
DataTable : OrderRecursive, GetSubHierarchy, GetParentPath <br />Control : FindControls, FindRecursive <br />IO : ClearFolder, GetFolderHierarchy <br />String : StripTags, Encrypt, Decrypt <br />Email : Send, ValidateAddress <br />Http : HttpPost, RequestResponse <br />DropDownList : IndentRecursive
Usage: var result = WikiNetParser.WikiProvider.ConvertToHtml(sourceText);
Dynamic LTSV parser for C#.
This is a C# implementation of UK Bank Account Modulus Checking. Modulus Checking is a process used to determine if a given account number could be valid for a given sort code.
Convenient and easy-to-use TCP library for .NET 4.5 with optional SSL encryption.
A portable memoization and caching library for .NET
Smallest, fastest polymorphic JSON serializer; Kamran Ayub's fork of fastJSON @ v2.0.13. The revision number corresponds to the version of my fork.
Facebook C# SDK is an implementation of official PHP SDK and its methods in C#
Extensions for C# object types
Simple, fast and powerful configuration manager for .net. Build your configurations from: * Config Files * Namespaces * Properties Load your configuration files from: * http (xml) * shared drives (xml, ini) * local disks (xml, ini)