Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Awesomium is a HTML UI engine for C#
An simple wrapper of Reflection methods. It allows you to access private class members. Built with .NET Standard 2.0.
A collection of useful extensions for expressions in .Net.
Run parallel tasks and actions with a progress update on each task completion including percentages, custom messages and task weighting for taking control of progress percentages.
Contains motor drivers for stepper, D.C. and servo motors and works with popular arduino/netduino shields such as those from Sparkfun and Adafruit.
Wiktionary library for .NET
.NET Data and Database Extensions
Splunk>MINT Xamarin Android Java Bindings
Splunk>MINT Xamarin iOS Classic API Objective-C Bindings
This is a convenient Windows and Windows Phone multi-language API for making Internet connection state decisions in real time, using the speed result to decide if/when to run your network-intensive code. This API does not need to eat a bunch of network bandwidth to do it's job. This API fills a s...
TUIO Protocol v1.1 API
A simple way to format table data when printing to the console
This package allows you do CodeFirst Migrations if using micro orms that don't have these features. For those minimalist who want to use library that can do database migrations but don't want to go for the big guns like EF
This package allows you do CodeFirst Migrations if using micro orms that don't have these features. For those minimalist who want to use library that can do database migrations but don't want to go for the big guns like EF
FTP Client based on C#.
CSharp toolkit containing useful extensions and functions.
This is a package of an Example Project for . As a free C# word API, it can enable developers to edit, copy, create, print and convert word documents (.docx, .doc) which were generated by DocX. By using DocX and Free Spire.Doc together, developers can operate word documents in much more fields. Mai...
Api to access the TheTVDB database
Jacinth Entity System, by Aravol
C# case study RoutePlanner