Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Helper with Asp.Net MVC 5 Razor engine with Google reCaptcha
SmtpClient wrapper to simplify monitoring of sending emails
Unit Test Injector is a set of classes that aim to facilitate the unit tests development, especially when implementing the Dependency Injection pattern.
AnFake: Another F# Make. Use eighther F# or C# script for your build definitions in Ms Team Build, forget about build process templates! Integration with TFS 2012/2013 provided out-of-box.
Tool to create generators within your C# project that generate code based off of other types in your project.
Convenient HTML page generator for debug purposes in C#
Measurement units package to help converting units. The biggest advantage of this library is that it's type safe.
This is a C# implementation of UK Bank Account Modulus Checking. Modulus Checking is a process used to determine if a given account number could be valid for a given sort code.
C# extension methods Utility it contains bunch of nice utlity methods
Yaaf.Shell some helpers for F# shell scripting.
Simit Extension Library
WuffProjects.CodeGeneration is a powerful and easy to use C# code generation framework.
Use eighther F# or C# script for your build definitions in Ms Team Build, forget about build process templates! Integration with TFS 2012/2013 provided out-of-box. This package is just an ALIAS for AnFake, which is installed as dependent one.
A DuoCode Binding for the Knockout.BindingConventions library
A DuoCode Binding for KnockoutJS
EncType provides a collection of value types whose data are safely encrypted.It prevents your sensitive in-memory data being inspected and modified by memoryediting tools.
Simple Dependency Resolver for DuoCode projects