Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

This is sample nuget application
C#/.NET binary driver for OrientDB.
PBDesk.Utils C# Common Utility Library build for .Net 4/4.5/4.5.1
.Net wrapper for the BringLocal API
A little framework to be useful for the implementation of several design patterns in .NET.
A collection of methods for handling common tasks on the Netduino
This package includes GPPG 1.5.2 and GPLEX 1.2.2 tools for compiling YACC and LEX source files in your C# project.
A library for decoding cards using the HID MiniProx RFID reader
A library for detecting the presence of nearby objects using the Sharp GP2Y0A21YK proximity sensor
A library for utilizing SparkFun's Serial LCD v2.5
Extensions, sorted by namespaces
This package contains the logging libaray built around Microsofts Trace Source libaray.
Collection of extension methods and regex patterns
Utilitario para aplicações MVC
oMapGen is a T4 template that automatically generates on convention basis C# mapping extension methods between two objects with a similar structure, identical property names and compatible types.
Patterns for C#
A simple "stateless" finite-state machine library for .NET.