Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Supports using any string as a field delimiter, or row delimiter, quoted fields, and the ability to handle Unicode.
DonationButton and a few public methods
This library provides type matching.
C# code generator based on the Roslyn API.
The "Adornment" helper class provides static wireups for adornments and provides methods for adding ui controls to the adorner layer. <Border> <A:Adornment.Content> <!-- Add adorning content here --> </A:Adornment.Content> </Border>
ArangoDB-NET is C# based driver for .NET/mono framework which implements ArangoDB REST API.
This library allows applications built with .NET 2.0 and later to run 3rd party Adobe® Photoshop® compatible filters. Either 32-bit or 64-bit filters will be used depending on the processor architecture of the host process. For 32-bit hosts the C# compiler enables Data Execution Prevention for the...
Functional programming syntax support for C#, for things which either don't exist in C#, or a pain. Includes: 1) use 'var' to declar lambdas: var f = Fun.function(()=>10); 2) function composition; 3) partial function application (currying). MIT license.
This is a drop-in wrapper on top of the classes for interacting with a Leap Motion - it allows for the handling of gesture recognition similar to what you would find in the world of iOS: simple listeners and events abstracted as high as they can go. **IMPORTANT** There are some steps that you must ...
A generalized parser combinator based off of fparsec. ParsecClone works on strings as well as binary files (with bit level parsing)
Simplifying the .NET User Configuration for Windows Forms and WPF.
Mesmer is a Memoization Library for the .Net platform
Provides some useful utility functions for working with Linq Expressions: * GetPropertyInstance * GetPropertyName
Adds models and data layer to an MVC Web Project
SQLdotNET allows you to write simple SQL SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries without using any ORM or creating stored procedures in database. You write code which looks similar to SQL query in your .NET code. Currently library is working only with MS SQL Server.
C# wrapper for GetRawInputDeviceList
Converts HTML to a thumbnail
N-Tier Entity Framework WCF RIA Services base library and T4 code generation templates.