Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Immutable Object Graph database for .NET has following goals: * enable native .NET objects to be stored anywhere * thread safe objects using isolated workspaces * multiple versions of the data * object database for embedded and medium scale systems * zero-configuration code first entity modelling *...
Expression parser for C#, Flee and Visual Basic.
Deprecated. Use the unified package AsyncBridge instead.
Deprecated. Use the unified package AsyncBridge instead.
A repackage of Rob Conery's Sugar, a set of Extension Methods for making C# development a little easier. The original package placed the files in App_Code. I wanted it to work well with all project types so I built it into a .dll and packaged it.
My package description.
ExcelExport is a simple, fluent API to export data to Excel spreadsheets using OleDb. For sample usage, click the Project Information link.
A Metro moving background
CaptchaMvc will implement your web MVC applications easier and more reliable protection. Features: You can easily change or extend the current implementation of the captcha. By default there are two types of captcha, plain and mathematical. Supports MVC 3, MVC 4, MVC 5. Supports for storing captcha...
Crow is an Experimental Open Source framework that aims to help developers for creating and managing new applications easily. Main purpose is to create agile, easy to test, aspect oriented applications.
Localize is a package designed for the purpose of illustrating just how easy it is to localize an application on the Windows 8 platform.
NDatabase is a simple .Net Object Database. To avoid impedance mismatch overhead between Object and Relational worlds, give a try to NDatabase. NDatabase is a new generation Object Database: a real native and transparent persistence layer for .Net. - Object because the basic persistent unit is an ...
NFile Library (Files, Folders)
StyleMVVM is a full featured MVVM framework designed from the ground up for the Windows Store platform (C#, C++ and HTML/JS supported). StyleMVVM has now been ported to Windows Phone 8 and WPF (.Net 4.5).
Syntactic sugar for C#
Fork of Oliver Sturm's original FCSLib
Syntax helpers and pattern templates for a certain C# idiomatic style.