Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

In REST api there are common CRUD service interface for every model served by controller for each model. In most of the scenarios the code for implementing Create, Get, Index, Delete, Update for each model is same and writing the same code again in all the controllers can be avoided by implementing ...
Components for mapping
A simple and light library for .Net developers to apply Not on some variables :)
Wrapper liblary for LDAP querying
Print with CLodop by websocket int C#
Dynamic Injector for .Net Projects
Standart class extensions (Char,DateTime,Enum,String) Diagnostic (TraceListenerWithDateTime) Text (Encoding1251,EncodingProvider1251)
This product is meant to provider an easy way of comparing Range values. For now the comparision is made for struct values such as ints, doubles, DateTime, etc
Library containing a simple hilbert based spatial index for NearestNeighbour and Within type of queries over a set of points.
Cross Database Sql query generator using C# expressions, Sql-Server Adapter
MassTransit 7 integration with deimos. Copied from
Unofficial .NET Wrapper for V3 of the What3Words API. This wrapper fully implements all methods in the What3Words V3 api.
Misc. helper methods, properties, objects etc.
LinqToDB helper methods, properties, objects etc.
Library for UI helpers.
C# Json and XML string value masking/sanitizer
Bodoconsult.Core.Tools.Zip library is intended for apps requiring easy handling of ZIP archives containing one or more files
A simple C# common library. Free and open source.
C# DDD Application Layer
Productivity Tool: MongoDb Extensions