Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Unofficial Wrapper for the Font Squirrel API
Interfaces e funcionalidades básicas para o desenvolvimento de aplicações.
Reflection helpers for C#
Gelf Client for sending data to GrayLog for those who use .net 452
Package Description
Provides simple structure for using the repository and services for extended features pattern with EntityFramework Core
Winium WebDriver for .NET
This is a library for reading and decrypting barcodes
HTML5 History API Implementation for Blazor without any JavaScript.
Abstractions of Juno Library
Hashicorp Vault library for Solari secret management
Health Checks
Hyperion Abstraction library
Metrics library for netcoreapps. Uses App.Metrics
IDataBase is a database connection - driven base class
WMI2CSharp is a library for Windows Management Instrumentation Object Relational Mapping. It will fetch data upon provided access information and hostname. Task optimized and parameterizable to minimize fetch time.
A tiny helper for writing .NET Core applications. This library provides a simple set of extension methods that you can use to perform common validations and conversions in C#.
BlockchainApi.Net is a .Net Standard API Wrapper for the / It includes all features the API provides, REST API and Websocket.
Common functions for WPF applications