Top 20 NuGet builder Packages
Provides static wrapper for Ms SqlServer repository factory for those who cannot or do not want to use dependency injection。SqlRepoEx Provides Lambda Turn to Full SQL statement(Select,Union,Join etc.) 。
Provides Adapter For Dapper,SqlRepoEx Provides Lambda Turn to Full SQL statement(Select,Union,Join etc.) ;
Code generator to easily create data builder patterns for your model classes.
Sharpy.Builder with RX.
F# Async workflow <--> .NET Task easy seamless interoperability library.
DPB is a tool that allows developers to automatically generate project code.
You can add annotations to the code templates, and use DPB to automatically filter or generate code to build a complete new project.
Class library to accelerate the building of V4 Microsoft Bot Framework bots.
Allows you to render another Page's content (including widgets)
Sometime you need fluent api to design the class and output as string for Reflection or anyother purposes and you end up with lot of string lines and messy code. This library will provide you fluent api to design the class and output as string.
Queries.Renderers.Postgres Class Library
Support package for DasMulli.DataBuilderGenerator, containing the [GenerateDataBuilder] attribute. Directly reference DasMulli.DataBuilderGenerator for best results.
ASP.NET MVC and HtmlTags integration. HTML controls builder.