Top 20 NuGet builder Packages

NC.SqlBuilder is a lightweight SQL builder
Build queries for Microsoft Dataverse and the Power Platform. Investigate data. Fix the layouts. Get code. Empower yourself to achieve more. Read more: FetchXML Builder is used to create and execute queries against Microsoft Dataverse / Power Apps / Dynamics 365. The P...
Simple database wrapper for Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Sqlite. written in C# supporting dynamic query building and nesting using expressions. Refer to other DatabaseWrapper packages if you only need support for one database type.
Simplifies the use of Qb.Net with Dapper
WatsonORM is a lightweight and easy to use object-relational mapper (ORM) in C# for .NET Core, .NET Framework, and .NET Standard built on top of DatabaseWrapper. WatsonORM supports Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Sqlite databases. Refer to other WatsonORM packages if you only need sup...
Simple database wrapper for Sqlite written in C# supporting dynamic query building and nesting using expressions. Refer to other DatabaseWrapper packages for support for SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
WatsonORM is a lightweight and easy to use object-relational mapper (ORM) for SQL Server in C# for .NET Core, .NET Framework, and .NET Standard built on top of DatabaseWrapper. Refer to other WatsonORM packages if you need support for other database types.
WatsonORM is a lightweight and easy to use object-relational mapper (ORM) for PostgreSQL in C# for .NET Core, .NET Framework, and .NET Standard built on top of DatabaseWrapper. Refer to other WatsonORM packages if you need support for other database types.
WatsonORM is a lightweight and easy to use object-relational mapper (ORM) for MySQL in C# for .NET Core, .NET Framework, and .NET Standard built on top of DatabaseWrapper. Refer to other WatsonORM packages if you need support for other database types.
FilterBuilder library.
A .NET library that provides a fluent API for building SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 messages.
Flexygo Service is used for autoupdating flexygo technologies. For easy installation visit
QueryBuilder allows you to create queries against a database, describing them as an object, without using tools such as LinqToSql, ORM, etc. and generate their SQL code in the syntax of the DBMS used
FormFlow implemention for v4 of the Bot Builder .NET SDK
.Net Embedded Analytics and Report Generator that allows programmers to easily add Report building functionality to their ASP .NET Web Application
Do not install this package directly. Core classes and static methods supporting WatsonORM packages.
WatsonORM is a lightweight and easy to use object-relational mapper (ORM) for Sqlite in C# for .NET Core, .NET Framework, and .NET Standard built on top of DatabaseWrapper. Refer to other WatsonORM packages if you need support for other database types.
Simple HTML page builder allowing you to specify head elements and add body elements using simple methods.
This middleware uses Cognitive Services Sentiment Analysis to identify the sentiment of each inbound message and make it available for your bot or other middleware component.
A collection of Prompts for Bot Builder SDK v4. Including prompts for adaptive cards, currency, age and temperature.