Top 20 NuGet builder Packages
Nibiru is a library to help application development.
Criação de objetos com foco em testes - versão em português do FluentBuilder.
Microsoft Kinect v2 Visual Gesture Builder (VGB) is run-time gesture detection features using the gesture database that generated by VGB.
This package will add settings that for use these features to your native C++ project.
(This package is only included property sheet, but not included header file...
MySqlBuilder is a data access API for MySQL.
Quickly build simple reports in Excel OpenXML format.
Library for implementation of AE.Http.Proxy.Abstractions with builder and implementation of basic filters - rewrite content and forbidden headers
Microsoft Bot Framework extensions for small-scale and/or enterprise bots.
Implementation of SqlRepo for Microsoft SQL Server
Fluent Interface to Build and execute Http requests
Connect BotBuilder projects without the need to go through the MS bot development portal
REST API Client Builder for easy api calling from .NET
A SDK framework that helps create a C# SDK project for consuming a generic REST API based on Microsoft WebAPI 2 conventions
Easily build filters for use in Lambda Expressions. Make it easy to turn WebApi requests parameters into expressions. Great features such as; save and re-run those filters, make complex expressions and more!
Culture-invariant fluent checksum builder
.NET Conversation modelling library for building bots with Bot Builder SDK V4.
Generates text from samples.
A strictly typed Sql Builder for .Net
Fluent way to create HTML code in C# .NET Core.
This projects makes it easier to use dynamic query in a core mvc project.