Top 20 NuGet autofac Packages

Ixq.DependencyInjection 依赖注入组件,基于Autofac实现了框架的依赖注入功能。
Autofac connector for MongoDBQueue
Configures Autofac for dependency injection
Use these extensions to build Prism applications based on Autofac.
Autofac container integration for Xer.Cqrs
Autofac extensions for Envoy
A fluentbuilder for Autofac that covers the most necessary use-cases for building the autofac-container wrapped in fluentbuilder that can also be combined with microsoft's dependencyinjection provider.
Aurochses.Data.Autofac.EntityFrameworkCore is a library for using Autofac in modules with Entity Framework Core.
Scheduler Quartz.NET for .NET Standard 2.0 - Autofac job factory and module
Broker extension for Autofac
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
A wrapper for Registering and resolving dependencies using autofac.
Provides abstractions to Autofac's registration and resolvings.
Provides abstractions to Autofac's registration and resolvings.