Top 20 NuGet autofac Packages

A chill container that uses autofac as a container and FakeItEasy for generating mocks.
A chill container that uses autofac as a container and NSubsitute for creating mocks.
Autofac implementation for the domain event handler resolver defined in Affecto.Patterns.Domain.UnitOfWork NuGet.
Aufofac service provider implementation for confifu
StartItUp integration with Autofac
Configures packages using Ioc.Modules with the Autofac builder
Extended Xml Serializer for .NET - Autofac integration
ServiceBridge implementation for Autofac IoC.
This library integrate ServiceBridge with MassActivation for Autofac implementation.
A .NET logger implementation for logging to MongoDB
Provides Autofac registration for the White Rabbit library.
Autofac extension methods facilitating MeasureIt functionality.
Autofac bootstrap for use with Microsoft ASP.NET Web API.
Autofac bootstrap for use with Microsoft ASP.NET MVC.
Jabberwocky Log4Net Autofac Module
A pack of Smart Interceptor for Autofac. [LogInterceptor] that will log all the method calls. [SmartInterceptor] that take will call an Action before and after method execution. [ParameterValidationInterceptor] that will validate method parameters and return value using attributes.